(置顶,已完结)nju-pa 心得

2023/4/20 ~ 2024/5/4

6705 commits (2 commits per compilation and execution)

A year of persistence has finally come to an end.



回想起一年前秦院对我说过,从用人单位的角度来看,本院的学子的编程水平不如隔壁电科。当时我还对这句话半信半疑,但从现在的课程设计角度来看,这的确是不争的事实(或者说是必然的结果)。学院也确实作出了一些改进,比如说C的在线OJ(只不过因为较为 aggressive 与排版问题饱受诟病),当然这还远远不够。

从提升个人能力的角度来看,留给我的时间已经不多了,我必须摒弃一切与这个目标相悖的杂事(按优先级看依次是综测、大创、各种竞赛(包括低质量的 CTF ),最后是 GPA(自己的优势有时也是弱点)),以给自己留出尽可能多的时间来学习真正与我的方向相关的,或者是 fundamental 的东西。

关于 OS 这门课,学院的理论课只能说不算差,以应试为主。与此相比,实验课就处在一个十分尴尬的地位,具体理由如下:

  • 没有先导课程:缺少对 linux 基础的讲授和 git 的使用教程,这些东西在我完成 nachOS 实验的过程中极大地提升了工作效率。为什么这么说呢,因为肯定有同学还是在通过注释之前几个 lab 代码的方式(或者重新 copy 原始的 source )来写当前 lab 的代码,懂的都懂。
  • 过分降低了难度:目前 OS 实验课的方式是结合了 PPT 讲义与演示视频的形式,其中演示视频不可避免的会展示一些 source code,而同学用手机拍摄/录制这段内容是无法避免的,从而实验的难度降格为在不同的 source 中补全部分代码,我们便丧失了 RTFSC 的能力。这样做的后果就是:轻则不理解 nachOS 的整体架构,重则无法回答梁刚老师在 lab8 提出的那几个稍微 RTFSC 就能回答的问题。
  • 抄袭问题严重:人都是有惰性的,nachOS 是一个陈旧的项目,其中许多 lab 的答案随便一搜就能找到,我其实也抄过。

why do I want to be a masochist (by doing PA)

simple, because I enjoy this

  • Being introduced by Tiger1218, nju_pa is absolutely a great course. In compare with nand2tetris I previously finished, it is more hard-core but a more smooth learning curve.

  • I have no more time, I need to acquire more information in a rather short period of time. High information density means high difficulty. Therefore, keeping in touch with something challenging is unavoidable.

  • In academia, having a deeper understanding of ISA & OS benefits to further research. In engineering, praticing coding skills makes me more competent in both major or non-major students in CS field.


I've already used Linux and built workflow for some time. So I just installed neovim and clone the source.

Learned some useful git commands like git branch, git checkout.

The Missing Semester of Your CS Education is a good course, bookmarked.



At first I was dumbfounded. Copilot gives some code suggestions, which makes me quickly understand what I need to do. Actually, it is quite easy.


Several months ago I learned regex and I forgot it. It took me 30min to learn it again. Actually the tokenize step is much easier than compiler section of nand2tetris.

Copilot helped me quickly finished the structure of eval function, but it made a mistake when finding the dominant operator and I spent several hours debugging this.

When it comes to modifying sdb.c to test a batch of expressions. I mistyped the path to my input file (btw, copilot suggested the path of yzh's project, which is a privacy issue). At first I don't know I can enable debug info in menuconfig, and static functions increased the difficulty analyzing the assembly instructions when using gdb. Therefore, it took me nearly an hour to debug this.

Also, I had a hard time tackling the floating point exception (div by 0) in expression generator. My idea is compile and run it, while redirecting exceptions to stderr. If grep exception stderr_file doesn't return 0, we think the expression is valid. However there are still some exceptions printed in my stdout_file, finally I've to use another command to filter the output.

perl -pe 's/Floating\ point\ exception\n//g' stdout_file > final_input


Expanding the eval function is not very hard, one important point is to change a condition to tackle unary operator (like * and -).

Implementing watchpoint pool is just some basic linklist operations, copilot did a good job.

However, copilot made a big mistake implementing watchpoint itself, it messed the return value of check_wp. I spent several hours again debugging this.



Understanding the design of risc-v is tough at first, copilot even decreased my proficiency by 20%, but when I found a book named RISC-V-Reader-Chinese-v2p1.pdf, things got better. It is actually just some repetitive work.

However there are still something requires patiece and you need to be careful especially when tackling opcodes which entail type conversion. It took me about an hour to debug again.


It's all about fundamental utilities again.

iringbuf, mtrace is quite easy, but ftrace takes a very long time, including these steps:

  • spend a little time to parse args, but failed to find a way to add this new feature to Makefile
  • spend some time to RTFM man 5 elf
  • spend a lot of time to distinguish call and ret step from jal and jalr opcodes, especially to acertain if I did it correctly because difftesting this is not a easy task. (finally I think it is not very important, maybe a waste of time?)

Successfully find some bugs in strcpy and sprintf by testcases from Copilot X.

Writing differential testing is easy and returns a lot, not quite understand why it isn't compulsory.

There is a correspondence in batch tests from a chapter ago:


我们知道, 大部分同学很可能会这么想: 反正我不阅读Makefile, 老师助教也不知道, 总觉得不看也无所谓.

所以在这里我们加一道必做题: 我们之前启动NEMU的时候, 每次都需要手动键入c才能运行客户程序. 但如果不是为了使用NEMU中的sdb, 我们其实可以节省c的键入. NEMU中实现了一个批处理模式, 可以在启动NEMU之后直接运行客户程序. 请你阅读NEMU的代码并合适地修改Makefile, 使得通过AM的Makefile可以默认启动批处理模式的NEMU.

你现在仍然可以跳过这道必做题, 但很快你就会感到不那么方便了.

Actually I found it not convenient here, so I get back to this chapter and add it :(


The most painful step is debug the problem of system clock. After finishing AM_TIMER_UPTIME, first I use my laptop i7-6700HQ @ 2.60GHz to run performance test. However, it runs extremely slow (for microbench, it took over an hour to finish and only got 12 points). So first I try to find out why it runs in such a low efficiency for 2 or 3 days without success.

Occasionally I copied my code to another desktop i7-6700 @ 3.40GHz and run the performance test again. This time there is a floating point exception. I checked the formula for performance score and found the problem is AM_TIMER_UPTIME register hasn't been updated for each iteration. With knowing this, I quickly fixed the bug puzzled me for serveral days.

The next problem is AM_GPU_FBDRAW module. First I finished it and it seems no problem in video test. However in fceux-am the graphics cannot display properly, just like this:

To solve this problem, I enabled differential testing(difftest) and ftrace. The debug information shows the differs start at memcpy in my AM_GPU_FBDRAW function. However, the diff position varies when I run each time, which bothers me a lot. Occasionally, I deleted my original memcpy function

memcpy(&fb[(y + i) * W + x], ctl->pixels + i * w, w * 4);

to this:

memcpy(&fb[(y + i) * W + x], ctl->pixels, w * 4);

The graphics turn to whole blue. This assures me this bug relies on the second argument of this function. With the help of tiger1218 (I feel so sorry about that, I could solve this problem all by myself), I realized that ctl->pixels is a void pointer, it should address in bytes, not in DWORD, which solves it.

This story hasn't come to an end. After fixing this bug, the difftest problem still exists. I tried to run other tests in order to find some information helpful for debugging. During this period, I also fixed some other minor bugs such as blackscreen of slider (due to the boundary isn't set properly in AM_GPU_FBDRAW), program crashes when showing help message in am-tests (because %c is not implemented in my own library).

The real solution comes when I give up to work on pa3. I run nanos-lite and the program crashes again. This time I manually set panic breakpoint in different parts of main.c and found it crashes when printing the logo. I quickly realized the problem lies that the buffer is not big enough (1024 failed, 16384 is maybe enough), which also solves difftest problem.

I also wanted to work on sound driver. However, this requires cross-compilation of SDL2 library. I spent half an afternoon on this and failed. Tiger1218 tried to help me but quickly lost interest. He thinks this part is not very essential to whole PA. Maybe I'll finish sound driver when I have more time.

However, difftest failed to work after adjusting the buffer of print several days later, and I haven't fixed it again till now.



After the final exam, I continued to work out pa3.1.

I stuck at yield() for some days, for I have to read RISCV-manual, figure out execption trace and where to implement isa_raise_intr(). However if you did it, the rest tasks are much easier.

Although initialized mstatus to 0x1800, difftest still not able to work. I feel like giving up using it.


Because I've RTFSC for several days in 3.1, finishing 3.2 is just a piece of cake. I just stuck at printf output for several hours (it only prints H for each line). Finally I found that I forgot to make the whole directory of navy-apps.


PA3.3 contains a lot of work, the workload is about 30% of the code you need to write from PA1 to PA3. Moreover, as the system getting more and more complex, the time of debugging also increases. Actually I took 17 days to finish this chapter.

The work can be concluded in 3 parts: the VFS, NDL library, SDL library and corresponding applications. Here are some bugs that I struggled for a long time.

  • segmentation fault after fclose in file-test: first I thought there is something wrong in _free_r, however I'm not familiar with the code in system library. It is daunting to debugging this. So I tried to modify the file-test.c and observed segmentation fault has something to do with fscanf. I suspected there was a buffer overflow but without proof. At last I found the problem was in _sbrk which I written myself.
  • menu does not display correctly like mario before: this time I didn't make the memcpy mistake. However, I didn't figure out the relationship between width and height of canvas and screen. Also, I tackled the corner cases of SDL APIs incorrectly, which results jumbled output.
  • segmentation fault when entering the battle in PAL: I wanted to save time because using ftrace to find the backtrace is slow. So I used the traditional "print" method. Acutally the calling stack is a little longer than I expected (about 5 or 6 layers) and it took me even more time. Finally this call trace points to SDL_FillRect which written by myself again. And I found I didn't tackle the 8-bit color case (at first I added the fallback, but at sometime I think it was unnecessary and I deleted it) and the bound of pixel-copy procedure is incorrect, which caused my whole-day debugging.

Here is a screenshot of PAL in battle mode (I didn't use riscv32-nemu to take a screenshot for its extremely slowness):



According to ysyx, I need to finish rt-thread first. It took 9 days to finish it (from 11/28/2023 to 12/6/2023). After that I was preparing for the experiment for a paper and restarted to work on 4/2/2024. Finally finished pa4.1 on 4/6/2024.

Here I just list some bugs I encountered:

  • rt-thread does not work: The problem is the migration of abstract-machine, I restored the compile environment of it and it works.
  • rt-thread on NPC:
    • I have to fflush(stdout) to make the output visible.
    • Forgetting to modify riscv.h in abstract-machine to make context-switching work.
  • execve with args: The return value of declaration in syscall.c mistyped into void, the correct one should be Context *.
  • execve with args not working on pal: Forgetting to copy the argv and envp string to the user stack(Yes, only copy the pointer is not enough), which causes the content of argv and envp overwritten by the content of pal.


Between 4/9/2024 and 4/16/2024, I mainly spending time finishing my paper. After that, I continue to work on the rest of PA4. PA4.2 is mainly about paging mechanism, here are some points that worth mentioning:

  • You will need RISCV manual (privileged version) to understand the paging mechanism in SV32 and the usage of cpu.satp register. The content in ChatGPT is not always reliable.
  • I forgot to dereference as.area.end pointer, which causes that some content of pages are overlapped and results in hard-to-resolve bugs.
  • Not having enough testing makes it more difficult to resolve bugs in PA4.3.

I finished PA4.2 in 4/26/2024.


This holiday I made a promise to finish the whole PA4 before returning to school and I successfully achieved this. I first try to finish the preemptive process scheduling. However, I previously mentioned there are still some bugs in PA4.2 that hadn't been resolved. Of course, preemptive scheduling makes the system, finite state machine in essence, unpredictable and much harder to debug. Therefore, I temporarily gave up finishing this part and started to work on stack switching instead. Of course, I still came up with the same bugs as well. To exclude possible factors, I created a new branch in git to do controlled experiments for these factors. I finally found these bugs:

  • mm_brk does not verify whether the memory is virtual memory.
  • mm_brk is not fully aligned to the page.

A very useful debugging tip is that when you want to memset a range to raw memory, you'd better choose a special value. If the program crashes here later on, it is much easier to locate the bug, instead of being obsessed with a random address.

And I finally understand the reason why yzh says PA4.2 is the most difficult part. The answer is, there are really a bunch of details needed to care about.

Another bug is because of my carelessness when translating the pseudo C code into x86 assembly:

  • forgot to zero mscratch in am_asm_trap.

After working out stack switching, the switching function of foreground program is easy to implement. I went back to finish the preemptive part. First, the program never reaches IRQ_TIMER part, the reason is

  • I didn't assign cpu.pc to cpu.mtvec merely.

However the program still crashes after running for some time. And then I revised the exception handling procedure in PA3, and finally figured out

  • I didn't assign cpu.mepc to cpu.pc, either.

After fixing, the problem is finally solved. And the story of whole PA finally came to an end in 5/4/2024.